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Thomas Schulze (ANF)

Solution of the bug in the CrossfireII version sold on the fair
Even returned from the fair, the first e-mails reached us. Unfortunately in haste to finish the work on Crossfire II still before the fair an error occured. If you trie to start the program, bought on the fair, after the installation the error message "... File not executable" appears. In order to solve this problem, one has to select the menu option "instruction executes" from the Workbench menu and input in each case one of the following two lines:

protect <Ihr Crossfire2-Verzeichnis>/CF2 ADD RWED
protect <Ihr Crossfire2-Verzeichnis>/CF2_PPC ADD RWED

We would like to apologize for this error and hope for your understanding. The update that will probably appear this week will contain this correction as well as MorphOS support and German translation.

Thanks to all involved and supervisors of the fair, particularly to Eternity, which exhibited "valley of Tamar". Next year we will place the coffee. Promised.

Thomas Schulze (Dreamworlds Development) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2002, 02:22] [Comments: 0]
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