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Petra Struck

ARC 2002: Pictures of the first day by
Hilke made a bunch of photos at the ARC 2002. As you can see from the pictures and subtitles, the Pegasos was the highlight of the show. However, until noon Thendic were busy setting up and installing all in all 30 computers. After that the users were able to get a picture of the Pegasos in conjunction with MorphOS.

The AmigaOne, however, was presented as well. Once at the stand of Amiga-Club and at Vesalia's. In both cases the operationg system running was Linux. There were no news to be gathered about AmigaOS. Yet I have clearly sounded out a tendency with the users: Many look upon a Pegasos with AmigaOS as the optimal solution.

Thendic France is working hard to setup the demo machines

A pegasos in a micro wave oven

The door acts as the monitor

Sebastien Lokhamkhouak build the crazy micro wave oven Pegasos :)

Martin Merz (Mason Icons)

Christian Kemp (ANN)

Ron van Herk (Computer City, NL)

Guido Mersmann (right) presenting Amithlon ...

... together with Timo Hegemann (right)


Jeri Ellsworth presents the CommodoreOne

Daniel Bindel as ´Lord Fox´ von Tamar

Otis from the club "User der Nordseeküste"

the fair

Pegasos inside

Martin Heine, one of the Pegasos/MorphOS betatesters

McGreg, an enthusiastic Pegasos/MorphOS betatester

Thomas Schulze showing his game Crossfire

Dennis Lohr presenting Digibooster Pro

The Thendic booth

Sebastian Brylka and Olaf Köbnik (Fun Time World and Amiga Arena)

Ebay explaining irritated Amiga users, why Java can't be avoided for certain things

A total of 30 Pegasos computers available for testing

Christian Kemp (ANN) and Petra Struck ( discussing with visitors

Bill Buck and Gerald Carda answering questions about the Pegasos

Timothy de Groote and Steffen Häuser (far left) showing games in the AmigaOne ...

... like Majesty
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 01:32] [Comments: 0]
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