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Chris Hodges (email)

Chris Hodges: Time to say goodbye!
In his known humorous way Chris Hodges tells us that he'll be on vacation for the next seven weeks. He'll be in New Zealand till 2003, 24th January and has today uploaded an update for Poseidon with some bug fixes. Here's the original message:

Dear Poseidon users,

I'm leaving the Amiga. Yes, I've had enough of all that fighting and bitching. Instead, I'll try to live on a green island with lots of sheep. Good bye and farewell!

Now get up from the floor, stop crying, I'm only off to New Zealand for about seven weeks of vacation and I will return to my one and only true love (currently, just my Amiga :( ) on 24th January 2003. But before I'm leaving on a jet plane, I've uploaded a small update of Poseidon for your benefit. Not much has changed, however, a few bugfixes reported by some of you have been incooperated. See changelog for details.

As I'm away from my machine, don't write private emails, if you have any problems. Please use the Yahoo Mailing List instead, there are a lot of people who could give a hand.

So, please enjoy the time off, I will certainly do so. And don't forget to use Trident regularily >>>;-) (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 22:54] [Comments: 1 - 08. Dec. 2002, 21:23]
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