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Rüdiger Hanke (ANF)

Gamel: ScummVM 0.3.0 released
Version 0.3.0 of the popular interpreter for Lucasarts games has been released today. On the download page are executables for several operating systems available including the MorphOS binary. A complete distribution with PDF manual and Ambient PNGIcons will be released probably tomorrow by me.

ScummVM MorphOS supports now also MIDI music that is qualitywise much better than the Adlib sound used until now. What is needed for this is the Etude MIDI device that I unfortunately can't make available for download yet. People who should see me today in Aachen at the beta tester conference may ask me for a version.

Regarding the legal issues with Lucasarts there's still no solution. A comprehensive description of the situation as it is right now can be found on the ScummVM site.

The improvements in detail:

0.3.0b (2002-12-06)
- fix major race condition resulting in extremely frequent crashes on MorphOS/PocketPC (supercedes unreleased 0.3.0 version)

0.3.0 (2002-12-01)
- massive cleanup work for iMUSE. Sam and Max music now plays correctly
- many bugfixes for Zak256, + sound and music support
- music support for Simon the Sorcerer on any platform with real MIDI
- experimental support for Indy3 (VGA) - Indiana Jones + Last Crusade
- completed support for Monkey1 VGA Floppy, The Dig
- added akos16 implementation for The Dig and Full Throttle costumes
- added digital iMUSE implementation for The Dig and Full Throttle music.
- Loom CD speech+music syncronisation improved greatly
- added midi-emulation via adlib, for platforms without sequencer support
- code seperation of various engine parts into several libraries
- several fixes to prevent Simon the Sorcerer crashing and hanging
- hundreds of bugfixes for many other games
- new SMUSH video engine, for Full Throttle and The Dig
- new in-game GUI
- launcher dialog
(cd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 12:53] [Comments: 0]
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