Guido Mersmann (E-Mail)
ARC 2002 News: Guido Mersmann with 1st stand of Shareware
Guido Mersmann who is the author of programs like AmithlonTV, AView, AFind,
BoulderDaesh, GuideCheck, GuideFormat, Execute64, SiedlerBoot, R(equest),
DVBControl, MCControl, Simplecat, AvailCPU, VBRControl, TrackDisplayClock,
SnoopRouter, Meridian, MMKeyboard, ParKeyboard and WheelMouseSupport will have a
stand of Shareware on the ARC 2002 together with Timo Hegemann.
Guido Mersmann: "By the friendly help of Haage & Partner we are able to performance the current
Amithlon with some new applications on our stand on the "AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002".
You will see the new VHI-Studio v6.0 working together with the current driver for AmithlonTV. Of course
we will introduce AmithlonTV and will demonstrate the support of several boards which has been doubted.
You can also see the keyboard adapter hardware called "MMKeyboard" and the software packet which belongs
to it. But there will be no sale!
Furthermore we will answer questions concerning Amithlon, AmithlonTV, VHI-Studio, MMKeyboard, MCControl
and other software products as far as possible.
I will also answer questions concerning the support."
(ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 14:26] [Comments: 0]
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