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RELEC Software&Hardware Amiga (ANF)

RELEC announces "PEGASOS": the alternative power!
RELEC statement:
RELEC announces "PEGASOS": the alternative power!

A brand new website is completely dedicated to this new and extraordinary machine. You will soon discover all the hardware & software distribution activity for Pegasos and MorphOS, as well as information and news.

Concerning our country, different demonstrations will be organized in early November. These will be announced, on the Pegasos dedicated website, and on as well as on the different Amiga & Pegasos news websites! It is already possible to get information on the different proposed configurations if you write to (dealers write to For the moment, the orders concern the "Betatester II" & Morphos v1.0 and are only for the warned users (according to the Thendic official statement of the 4 of october).

Give a try to the alternative future!!! (ps)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2002, 22:51] [Comments: 0]
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