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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview Alfred Faust (BarsnPipes), PuzzleBOBS GFX manual
An interview with Alfred Faust (further development of BarsnPipes) and a German manual for creating graphics for PuzzleBOBS have been published on Amiga Arena.

Interview with "Alfred Faust" (BarsnPipes)
Thanks to "Alfred Faust", "BarsnPipes" users are pleased about the steady further development of the multimedia MIDI sequencer "BarsnPipes" Amiga since 2001.

In the very detailed interview with "Amiga Arena", "Alfred Faust" not only talks about the future of "BarsnPipes" but rather more goes into detail about the advantages and possibilities of the program and tells how the release of the sources came about.

The interview is available in German.

PuzzleBOBS GFX manual
The German manual for the creation of custom graphics for the game "PuzzleBOBS" is online.

Thus you have the possibility of making your own backgrounds and game characters.

Unfortunately not all sections of the manual have been translated yet, so please contact Olaf Köbnik if you would like to take on that task.

It would also be nice if some users have fun in creating new level designs. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2002, 16:14] [Comments: 0]
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