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Tales of Tamar

T.o.T.: Amiga-Version 0.43 R13 - Final version will come soon
Version 0.43 R13 is the last but one beta version up to the Tales of Tamar Amiga Basis-Set! Tales of Tamar is an Internet based round game for Amiga, Atari, Linux and PC by Eternity Entertainment Software. There are only a few days to come until Eternity will accept advance orders for the Amiga basis set! Tales of Tamar will be delivered in a nice shaped Euro box with a 64 sites long documentation and three CDs. Should you have questions concerning the online costs or the game playing then please write an email to

Since the last version a lot of older bugs have been fixed. Besides this the soundtrack of ToT has been added which is certainly a highlight. Because of that a very great thanks to the musician Markus Holler!

Additionally to the soundtrack the texts of research have been added and string-input-boxes created. Because of that it is now possible to change the values of the figures boxes via arrow but as well as via keyboard. This applies for the granary, the trade screen, the barrack and the diplomacy.

Meanwhile the wars on Tamar become more intensive. Please read the chronicle to get a survey.

If you are fond of game of roles and games of strategy you should not pass this game! The testers have played this game for two years and are still enthusiastic. This game will revolutionize the world of PBEM-games (PBEM = PlayByEMail). (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2002, 12:53] [Comments: 0]
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