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Younos Salim (ANF)

ANN: Alan Redhouse clarifies coupon promotion
Eyetech speak up about the coupon promotion. I leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions. "No this is not our promotion - and Bill will post the clarification details later. But we are shipping A1 boards + OS4-OEM to dealers (inc Amiga Inc.) and that plus complete systems ourselves.

It is likely that you will probably be able to cash your voucher direct with dealers - but it is down to Amiga Inc. to give out the details of how this will work. The main issue - as so many people have pointed out - is how to avoid the banks becoming the main beneficiaries of what was a well intentioned user support program (we pay euros15 ~USD15 on every receipt transaction for example).

Also the law is somewhat different in te US. In Europe you cannot (past Amiga-related companies excepted!) legally take money off consumers for a product that isn't yet on general availability. And, to me, $50 seeems an awful lot to charge for a T-shirt, with an non-legally enforcable right to an equivalent reduction on an AmigaOne. You will of course (somehow) get the $50 off - this is just really a problem of how consumer legislation is inconsistent - and bank charges are inevitable - across the Global Economy.

That may also go some way to explain why it is Amiga Inc. who receive the money and not us or Hyperion. Just a few facts to confuse the debate,
Alan" (ps)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2002, 11:49] [Comments: 0]
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