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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Poll - "What OS do you prefer on the Pegasos?"
Today a new poll (in German) was started on the Amiga Future homepage: "What OS do you prefer on the Pegasos?" Additionally, the results of the last poll have been published in the interactive area.

Note: English speakers can probably handle this with these short instructions:
  1. go to page linked at title of this article
  2. click on the word "interactive" on that page
  3. make your selection in the yellow box on the next page
  4. click "abstimmen" to vote.

Good luck! -DM (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 27. Jun. 2002, 12:36] [Comments: 1 - 28. Jun. 2002, 00:32]
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