Martin Kuchinka
Programming language: PowerD Version 0.19 from June, the 25th 2002
Martin Kuchinka provides a new archive of his programming language PowerD
(version 0.19 from June, the 25th 2002) for download.
New with this archive:
- fixed rexx/storage module
- fixed one enforcer hit
- fixed a lr storing problem with ppc, caused a crash
- debug file do now support global variables
- bugfixes reported by Michel Bagmeijer
- '\xDf' changed to '\xDS' to get full name of day
- bugfixes reported by Marco Antoniazzi
- global labels didn't compile
Download: powerd.lzx - readme (ps) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 26. Jun. 2002, 13:56] [Comments: 0]
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