Ruediger Hanke/ScummVM Team (ANF)
ScummVM: Trouble with the law
Users of MorphOS- and AmigaOS versions of the GPL engine ScummVM for playing LucasArts adventures are maybe interested in this:
The ScummVM-Team was forced by LucasArts to shut down the site to July, 1st, because of viloation of rights upon the SPU engine.
The eMail from LucasArts and the answer of the project leader of ScummVM, James Brown, is published on the ScummVM developers list (title link).
The arguments in the answer are dealing with an error (maybe LucasArts thought it was "Abandonware" presented for download). Because ScummVM was disassenbled out of LucasArts program code, it is maybe possible that it is illegal in the USA, as a violation of the DMCA (Digital
Millenium Copyright Act). But this is just guesswork of someone. We have to wait for an answer of LucasArts.
(ps) (Translation: gf)
[News message: 25. Jun. 2002, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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