AMIGAplus (ML)
AMIGAplus 06/2002
The current AMIGAplus 06/2002 with the main subject "Amiga Anywhere" contains among other things the following articles:
- First review: Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1
- PDA special: Compaq iPAQ, Sharp SL-5000 and Palm IIIc
- Interview with clickBOOM: of knights and demons
- QNX dances Samba: monster workshop to link to
- Online auctions: we show you where the hammer hangs
- File sharing: AudioGalaxy client AmiSAT reviewed
- Movie special: Amiga at the Movies, part 2
- Scenish: the Who is Who of the demo makers
- Interactive: small adverts and readers forum
- a. m. m.
Attention: This issue contains as an exception 8 pages more, 76 fully coloured pages!
The at the same time released AMIGAplus readers CD #16 contains next to many further tools, games, videos and an audio track also the full version of the effects software Elastic Dreams by Titan Computer with special upgrade possibility to Fantastic Dreams.
The AMIGAplus is available at your Amiga dealer, via subscription or per single order for the price of 5.- EUR.
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 21. Jun. 2002, 14:05] [Comments: 0]
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