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GFX-BASE: New version of AmiStart and some other news
As reported some time ago within our question & answer session with Darius Brewka (German version - English version) there is a new start menu tool under development. The latest version offers features no other start menu clone does: Among a freely configurable surface (transparence, colours, patterns, position, etc.) the latest version of AmiStart offers a taskbar with an integrated quicklauch bar, a window manager and several other pluins e. g. a clock or a transparent RAM display.

This new version will soon be published on Aminet. Everyone who cannot wait might download it at the GFX-BASE.

News at the GFX-BASE: Our running poll will be finishd this weekend - make your vote before! Most likely the GFX-BASE forum will be launched this weekend. From now on there is the possibility to post suggestions for categories for comments within the forum. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 19. Jun. 2002, 20:20] [Comments: 0]
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