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Ron van Herk/Compcity Sjoerd de Vries/AGGF SalesDepartment/Eyetech

AmigaOne G3 presentation in Leeuwarden uncertain
As reported on May 13th, 2002 it is planned to present a full working AmigaOne G3 at the AGGF-meeting on May 25th, 2002 in Leeuwarden. Unfortunately it can be not guaranteed that this presentation will take place because according to Eyetech the board can be only sent on Friday by UPS. Therefore it is uncertain if the board will arrive on Saturday in time. Read the original message:

Originally Computer City (the 13-5 announcement) planned to show a working AmigaONE in Leeuwarden on saturday the 25th. We now can not gaurantee that this will happen. According to the Eyetech the board will be send on Friday by UPS express and we hope it will arrive on Saturday. But we, AGGF and Computer City, can't guarantee that we receive this board on Saturday. For the people which are traveling from far, we let you now as soon as possible if the AmigaONE is received by Computer City on Saturday so that you won't travel for nothing. Offcourse our market with new and secondhand Amiga stuff will normally be hold in Leeuwarden. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. May. 2002, 16:10] [Comments: 0]
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