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Astronomy: Digital Almanac III with DSS-support
Achim Stegemann has made it to build in DSS-images in DA III. It is still not the final state but it works!

  • What is DSS (Digitized Sky Survey)?
    The whole sky has been iinputted as digital picture information with the help of most modern telescopes. These information are on several servers of the world. You only have to input a coordinate or the name of the object as well as the size of the picture (in angle) and immedately the server sends back a pictute of the sky with the inputted area.

  • How does it work in DA III?
    Because of technical details the performance of DSS-pictures is only possible in the planetary mode and from an opening angle of 3 degree. Instead of it it is possible to fade in the names of the stars and the deep-sky as well as the size of the objects. The stars and DS-objects are not drawn.
    Click here for an example picture. This shows the Andromeda-fog with its accompanists with DSS-integration.
    Currently the picture size is limited to 300x300 pixles but I hope I can change it soon. Instead of it the picture is loaded rather fast.
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. May. 2002, 14:50] [Comments: 0]
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