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Marco Miljak (E-Mail)

StarGATE Newsletter 21/05/2002
Marco Miljak writes:
Dear Amiga users,

unfortunately I have bad news: The StarGATE website as well as the mail distribution list will be closed down because of three basic reasons:

  1. I don't believe in an Amiga revival anymore.
  2. Developing Amiga software needs a lot of work and time. And due to No. 1 I don't think it makes sense anymore.
  3. Because of my studies my sparetime is very rare and I don't want to spend it on Amiga anymore.
However, I want to thank everyone who encouraged and supported me in the past, in the first place Petra Struck from!

The StarGATE site will remain online for about 4 or 5 months and will then be shut down. The mail addresses in the distribution list will be deleted.

Marco Miljak (ps)

[News message: 23. May. 2002, 03:19] [Comments: 0]
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