Cerpheus (ANF)
Amiga freeCD: Chaos - Wizard War II
New Amiga freeCD: Chaos - Wizard War II
"For those people who like board games and for those other people who
like card games, Chaos: Wizard War II is the #1 Reason to own an Amiga.
It is the ultimate board game and the ultimate card game and the ultimate
strategy game all rolled into one. I get Emails from PC users all the
time who beg me to make a PC version because there is no game on PC as
good as Chaos: Wizard War II. Amiga Rulez!"
(James Conwell, author)
You can order the CD for 3 Euro plus delivery costs from the FOM website.
[News message: 02. May. 2002, 11:30] [Comments: 0]
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