Martin Elsner (E-Mail)
MRE-1.Mai-Edition: ClassAction 4.40 and StartMenu 1.20
You had to wait a long time, but I hope you are content with the things I
have done meanwhile:
ClassAction 4.40 and StartMenu 1.20 are ready, with many of your proposals
implemented. Some changes: ClassAction has an improved way of copying,
classes for volumes and assigns, "Open with" and "Copy to" submenus, an own
file attribute window, and many little improvements like file comment
display and vertical arranged listers.
StartMenu has now lost the nerving bugs; it can control commodities, opens
on other screens and has an improved window button display.
All MRE modules only contain the English language. I will prepare the
translations, they will follow in the next weeks.
[News message: 01. May. 2002, 22:18] [Comments: 0]
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