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01.May.2002 New partnership site - Amiga Arena
From today on the Amiga Arene has become a new partnership site with Responsible for that site is Olaf Köbnik who describes that site as follows:

Since 1998 it is Amiga Arena's task to support the Amiga shareware and freeware market. With many time limited offers for shareware some new impetus should be given initially and the trust between developers and users should have been improved.
Beside those special offers (which actually aren't enforced) Amiga Arena informs with many current interviews and tries to build "a bridge" between users and developers.
Furthermore Amiga Arena tries to facilitate the lifting of control mostly of "shareware" and offers along with games some high quality applications for free download. A selected link list perfects the services of that site. Plus that there are further activities like e. g. arrangements of developers, beta testers, support and sales of commercial software and some other. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 01. May. 2002, 13:44] [Comments: 0]
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