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Amiga Inc.: AmigaOS 4 Screenshots online (Update II)
The first screenshots of the GUI of the upcoming AmigaOS 4 are now available at the title link. These shots depict only some new features like configurable sliders, menus and system-images. Another new feature is the possibility to move a window partly out of the visible screen.

Additional screenshots will soon be published.

GUI: Temporary screenshots of the AmigaOS 4 GUI
The published screenshots are only temporary and they do not depict the look and feel of the final AmigaOS 4.0 GUI. The work is still in progress.

The big improvements of intuition (made beneath the surface) are not visible in these screenshots...

These screenshots only show a few elements may or may not be part of the default look and feel of AmigaOS 4. The important point about these shots is the fact that the new intuition can, in many parts, be configured according to the needs of the user.

In the end you will be the one who desides how the new AmigaOS 4 will look like...

Menu: Preview of the AmigaOS 4 Menus
This is no MagicMenu or something similar; this is intuition! The work is still in progress and new features, like changing the menu icons, will be added.

Update 25.04.2002:
Ben Hermans from Hyperion stated on ANN:
In the last 48 hours interest in the OS 4 screenshots was such that it threatens to overwhelm the server.

- 50000 visitors (!) - 9000000 page views - 2.2 million files transfered - 17.67 GB of traffic All within 48 HOURS. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 20:17] [Comments: 0]
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