3CaDo is a program pack that is still under development. The software concerns itself with the extraction, preparation
and creation of video-, audio- und data-CDRs.
ViCaDo (Video-Can-Do) is in the betaphase. More information is available right
here (German.)
AiCaDo (Audio-Can-Do) is in the alphaphase.
DiCaDo (Data-Can-Do) is in the alphaphase.
In the course of working on this program pack a couple of small, helpful tools were created, and I don't wish to keep them from Amiga users.
GetMpegInfo can provide information about mpeg streams.(Video-, Audio- und System-Streams). With shell- and
GetAudioInfo is helpful with providing Audio-Information (16SV, 8SVX, AIFC, AIFF, AU/SND, MAESTRO,
MAUD, MP1/2/3, VOC, WAVE). With shell- and Workbench-versions.
(ps) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 20:31] [Comments: 0]
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