Dino Papararo (ANF)
New 2.0 update of FlashMandelWOS released on Aminet
A new version of FlashMandelWOS has been uploaded on Aminet
in gfx/fract directory. As soon as possible the
support site
will be updated too.
The following are the major features of FlashMandelWOS:
- Full functional program for rendering Mandelbrot & Julia fractals
with different exponents.
- Support for ECS/AGA/RTG and 68020+/PPC Amiga computers or
compatible systems.
- Uses new Reaction GUI, Arexx port, Localization, and has an
Installer script also to easy update or uninstall the program.
- C & Asm 68k/PPC sources included !
- It's really fast even on old Amigas and should be also
compatible with all new Amiga clones ;-)
- It's really cool and free ;-)
FlashMandelWOS is Giftware, if you like it send nice goodies to
author just like $ or gold medals ;-))
The major feature of the new 2.0 version is the ability to make
animations and save them in an easy way using the new arexx port,
some example scripts and a guide about all Arexx commands of
FlashMandelWOS was created.
What's changed in 2.0 update:
- Added an ARexx port. (Edgar Schwan)
- Created a new guide to explain all features of FlashMandelWOS
ARexx port. (Edgar Schwan)
- Created some example Arexx scripts. (Edgar Schwan)
- Compiled a special no 68k fpu version for owners of Blizzard
MC040LC/PPC603e, it runs also on other systems without an FPU.
[News message: 25. Mar. 2002, 12:57] [Comments: 0]
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