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Matthias Acklow (ANF)

Patch: BlizKick V1.24rc3
On 23 March 2002 Harry 'Piru' Sintonen released version V1.2rc3 of BlizKick. This version offers improved romfixes for the OS3.9 BoingBag2.
  • Fixed V45 exec.library of AmigaOS 3.9 BoingBag2. It uses quite crude hack to enable it, you'd better have true 32bit memory that doesn't go away at reset for this to work. Works on my BlizzPPC, Wizor's & SMF^'s Blizzard 1260, Cyber2th's CSMkII and Zerohero's Blizzard 2060 at least. YMMV. Note that this hack automatically fixes some buggy programs that peek $f80000 for version information. Thanks to my impatient betatesters: Wizor, Jagge, Cyber2th, Zerohero, SMF^ and Lizard. Special thanks to Lizard for bugging me about this. Also thanks to everyone who mailed me about the problem.
  • Improved romfixes module: No longer fails whole module if some sub-patch fails. Now it should be possible to use romfixes as the last module.
  • Modified files since 1.24rc2: BlizKick.readme BlizKick/BlizKick BlizKick/BlizKick.ASM BlizKick/Modules/romfixes BlizKick/Modules/romfixes.ASM
Download: BlizKick-1.24rc3.lha (258K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2002, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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