Music: betatesters for SIDPlayer 'Sid4Amiga' wanted
Paul Heams
is looking for his Sid player 'Sid4Amiga' betatesters. Interested
are asked to contact him.
The announcement of the AmigaOne has motivated him to start again on the
development of his program. The next version of 'Sid4Amiga' will contain the
following enhancements:
- Reverb - 10 presets with variable return levels.
- A new PlaySid emulation library for use with Delitracker,
PlaySid etc..
- An updated GUI for the new reverb settings. (Mixing desk)
- Bug fixes and a reworked library.
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 23. Mar. 2002, 16:07] [Comments: 0]
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