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Spiel: Tales of Tamar Amiga-Version 0.42 R1
The new Amiga-version 0.42 R1 for the Internet-based round game Tales of Tamar from Eternity has been published. Beta tester can download the update of the known place.

With version v0.42 the remaining city levels have been added. A city can now consist of up to 240 different buildings within four several levels: Village, town, city and metropolis.

At the same time Eternity dares to give a statement: "Now some things like settlers, cavalry, artillery and the statistics screen are missing and then the basis set for ToT has finally finished! But not to raise false hopes: Nevertheless ToT is tested for two years then we will add another two months of intensive tests in order to fix also the last bugs. Massive multiplayer games like ToT are very complexe programs and therefore have to be tested in this way.

What will happen afterwards? Already now we have carefully planned the future. ToT will be continued developing after the basis set, permanently improved and extended. ToT players can integrate with corresponding wishes in the project. All that which is meaningful and feasible we will add. Already now there are plans:

  • Building castles
  • Online-knights competition like archery, lances pang a.s.o.
  • Pedigree-management for the players
  • Specialists (clerics, wizards)
  • Royal secret service
  • Spying, saboteurs
  • Library with extensive documentations of ToT
  • 3D-card in ToT-fashion
  • Battlescreens
Certainly some people have noticed that some points have stood for some years on our list. The concept has progressed during the last years and it changes. Partly some things have been added which we have not planned even four years ago. The basis set has become so complex that we now have to draw a line." (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2002, 01:03] [Comments: 0]
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