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Timo Kloss (E-Mail)

Update to Inga-developer packet version 1.0/6 beta
There is a new update of the Inga-developer packet. Inga is an engine for the classic graphic adventures like Monkey Island 3 which can be easily created with the help of this developer packet.

The update includes the following things:

  • Inga-engine version 1.0/6 (beta)
  • Audio-CDs can be played (via cdplay.library).
  • New script commands: pre-loading, clearing, ilkabove, ilkdown, "LadeLaufkarte", "AusDieMaus", "Leistensperre", "LeistensperreAus" and menu.
  • The two mouse colours were changed to be equal to the workbench-standard.
  • Developer modus integrated. Thus it is possible to load old game scores with processed script versions. Besides this the inventar and the variables can be changed during the game.

ScriptShell version 1.1
In the new version the command list was put in an external file ("IngaCommands") from the program file. Thus you do not have to update the full program if there are new script commands.
There is also an English version of the "IngaCommand"-file so the script language can be also changed to English.
If you compile a log-file is created in the "Dats"-directory of the game ("ScriptShellLog") where all labels with their address pointers are listed. These will be required for the developer modus of the engine.

"OrtEditor" version 1.1
In a new menu you can select between German and English script-language. If you push the key <DEL> while positioning a graphic element the element will be invisible or visual again. This is very practical if you want to test if an element sits right on the background.

You can find the update as well as further information under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2002, 18:41] [Comments: 0]
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