Surf tip: Abmahnungswelle.de
While searching for comprehensive information about the topic "warnings" I came
today across the website "Abmahnungswelle.de". The website offers many details
about the topic and gives many useful and up-to-date hints for homepage provider.
For all who run a homepage, no matter whether private or for business, is this
website a treasure house for important information.
Many private homepage owners may possibly not be aware of the fact that the new
laws TelediensteGesetz (TDG) and/or Mediendienste-Staatsvertrags (MDStV) provide for
example that everyone running a website that is publicly open has to
fulfil his/her information duties about "purpose and identity".
That means among other things that it is one's duty to make the name and address
of the responsible person available. In the (German) article
Information duty
for purpose and identity by Abmahnungswelle.de you can find comprehensive
tips for this.
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 09. Mar. 2002, 16:58] [Comments: 0]
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