Czech Amiga News (ANF)
AmigaOS: PPC native version of Picasso96 for AmigaOS 4.x
Ben Hermans from Hyperion Entertainment confirms in the following quotation
that a PPC native version of Picasso96, the graphic driver system of
AmigaOS 4.0, will be part of AmigaOS 4.x.
«Ben Hermans: "We hereby confirm the inclusion of a PPC native version of P96 in OS 4.x.
The P96 team which consists of Alexander Kneer and Tobias Abt are very valuable members of the OS 4 development team, in fact so valuable that Hyperion already entered into an 8 page OEM license agreement with them on October 10, 2001 (!).
The agreement provides for:
- Permedia 2, Voodoo 3/4/5 and Matrox G450/G550 drivers;
- cooperation in good faith with other OS 4 developers to produce a PPC native version of P96;
- development of the OS 4 version to be kept in line with other versions for other licensees.
(Note that the Permedia 3 and ATI Radeon drivers are being developed by Chris Morris and Bill Toner respectively.)
It would be a welcomed change if anybody with doubts about the veracity of the announced feature-list of OS 4 would contact us rather than rely on untrustworthy individuals for information."
Ben Hermans, Managing partner Hyperion Entertainment»
(sd) (Translation: sr)
[News message: 24. Feb. 2002, 17:52] [Comments: 0]
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