According to a brief message from alt.WOA which Don Cox has posted on
the AmigaOne mailing list (English original available via the title
link) a fully functional AmigaOne was presented at the fair.
"I've just returned from Alt WOA in Huddersfield.
It might interest you that Alan Redhouse received a fully functional
AmigaOne motherboard this morning, which he presented at the fair.
It seems that Escena had Linux run on this board (until OS4 is ready).
The motherboard seems to be working fine although Alan only managed to
get the booting process up-and-running up to the BIOS in the short
period of time that was available to him.
The specifications have really been improved compared to earlier versions.
The production of the motherboard begins in six weeks.
The announced (estimated) price was really reasonable. I think that Alan
will let you know the details very soon."
Further news from AmigaOne
Further statements of fair visitors include the following details:
(the statements have not been confirmed officially)
- Ethernet, Parallel, Seriell, USB and Sound all on-board
- Vier PCI-Slots
- AGP2, 133MHz RAM Interface
- The connection to A1200 is now on an optional PCI card
A beginners version of the motherboard, including CPU, will be available
for about £350 (circa 500 EUR). A G3/600 or a G3/750 will be used as a CPU
(the statements are contradictory).
A more expensive CPU version is also available. Prices haven't been
announced yet.
(ps) (Translation: sr)
[News message: 24. Feb. 2002, 02:44] [Comments: 0]
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