Amiga Arena - Update
I'd like to thank very much all those who gave me so much positive feedback
with their mails and comments! The Amiga Arena will stay online and the support
for the game "PuzzelBOBS" is also guaranteed. In irregular intervals will
smaller updates of the Amiga Arena be possible and still incoming interviews etc.
will of course be released. A "time out" for an undefined period of time will
come as announced, though.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Yours Olaf Köbnik
Amiga Arena - Interview campaign
It is thanks to Nicolas Ramz with his "ScummVM" Amiga68k port that it is
possible to play old games by LucasArts like for example "Day of the Tentacle"
on the Amiga. The Amiga Arena talked to Nicolas Ramz about his work on "ScummVM"
and how he's seeing the future of Amiga.
Special thanks go to Christian Busse for his tireless translations for the Amiga Arena!
Interview in German
Interview in English
Shareware news
After a long time could the Amiga Arena find the developer of the shareware
software "ScanTek" and has the following information:
The new version 4.6 is from now on available for download on the homepage under
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 19:49] [Comments: 0]
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