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VMC Harald Frank (ANF)

Telepolis: Buried in New Mexiko
According to an investigation of the Telepolis editor Konrad Lischka had the company Atari bought the computer producer Amiga. In the third last paragraph it is written that: "After Tramiel had bought Atari the company concentrated on the home computer market. To enter into the market for respectable business clients Atari took over the Computer producer Amiga.

This is not correct.
1984: Amiga, then represented by the chief developer Jay Miner (formerly chief developer of Atari) had in his financial need already got a private credit from Jack Tramiel (who was the founder of Commodore Business Machines, but then parted from the company because of differences, and afterwards bought the clapped-out game console producer Atari). A takeover of Amiga through Atari had already been negotiated. This takeover was avoided in the last moment through a better offer by Commodore (remember: Tramiel had already left Commodore) what led also to a repayment of Jack Tramiels private investment. The takeover had cost 27 millions dollars. To be looked up in the History of the AMIGA. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 11:18] [Comments: 0]
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