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Shaun Bebbington (ANF)

Magazine: Retro Computing Today
Retro Computing Today - What is the big idea?

There seems to be a growing interest in computers and technology of yesteryear. With very few publications actually acknowledging this, it is left to a handful of small magazines to fill the gap, with profitable publications such as Computer and Video Games dedicating less than 4 pages to "The Old School". Retro Computing Today aims to be the one of the first professional publication to cover all topics regarding this very subject matter, instead of concentrating on one particular computer or platform, as Commodore Scene does, Retro Computing Today aims to cover as many topics as there are interests for. For instance, those people who choose to use a Vic 20 to view web sites through to the Amiga classic/AmigaOne platform.

Obviously, the more support a particular platform receives, the more of the magazine will be dedicated to covering it, however, we would hope to provide some sort of balance, unlike at least 90% of current publications, whom tend to concentrate on the Windows/XBox platform.

Do you have big ideas yourself?

Details are sketchy at the minute, as the publication is still in early planning stages. We can confirm the following:

  • Launch issue for early May 2002.
  • 8 copies a year (1 every 6 weeks). If there is enough demand, we will move towards 10 copies a year (1 every 5 weeks).
  • Website launched soon.
  • A sample issue will be available to download.
  • Special edition no. 1 will be available to pre-order soon.

So, if you would like to shape this publication, please email me with your suggestions or comments.

If you would like to write any articles for the launch issue, please forward them in .txt format, with the subject matter as Submissions 092246. We would appreciate greatly any help we can get.

Thank you for reading,

Shaun/Retro Computing Today - (ps)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 10:45] [Comments: 0]
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