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Daniel Miller (ANF)

Call: vote for setting up of comp.sys.amiga.morphos as newsgroup
Daniel Miller is right now establishing a new newsgroup in comp.sys.* for MorphOS as comp.sys.amiga.morphos. For this are some votes still needed. Normally, the language spoken in comp.sys.* groups is English but in the statutes of comp.sys.amiga.morphos is written that articles in other languages are allowed, too, when (d) for German, (f) for French etc. is named in the subject. Please give us your vote! You can participate in the vote until 20.12.2001.

If you want to know more about the vote's details you find them here.

If you want to participate directly in the vote you should follow these steps:

  1. Write an email to
  2. Enter the following in the first line of the text field:
    "I vote YES on comp.sys.amiga.morphos"
  3. Enter the following in the third line of the text field:
    Voter name: [your first name and surname]
  4. Send email

Please don't enter the quotation marks or the brackets. As subject you may enter for example "comp.sys.amiga.morphos Ballot" (again without quotation marks). After some hours you'll receive a confirmation via email. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 15. Dec. 2001, 20:03] [Comments: 0]
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