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H&P website with new layout
H&P writes:
From today on the new newssite is online. After some experiments with colours and the formation of the head-, bottom- and news area the current layout has been created. As the dominating colour you will find a dark red with white characters - based on the traditional Amiga-colours. On the right border the information column has been placed again. There are messages which besides the current news in the middle will have a staying importance. Up to now only the newssite has been renewed but the rest will follow little by little.

The startpage of our Internet performance or has been also refreshed thus you can access on the current topics in a better way.
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Sep. 2001, 19:25] [Comments: 2 - 27. Sep. 2001, 19:23]
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