H&P website with new layout
H&P writes:
From today on the new newssite is online. After some experiments with colours and the formation of the head-, bottom- and news area the current layout has been created. As the dominating colour you will find a dark red with white characters - based on the traditional Amiga-colours. On the right border the information column has been placed again. There are messages which besides the current news in the middle will have a staying importance. Up to now only the newssite has been renewed but the rest will follow little by little.
The startpage of our Internet performance
www.haage-partner.de or
has been also refreshed thus you can access on the current topics in a better way. (ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 26. Sep. 2001, 19:25] [Comments: 2 - 27. Sep. 2001, 19:23]
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