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Soren Ladegaard (ANF)

History: Amiga 1000 TV commercial
The Commodore Billboard celebrates its 1-year birthday with an update that includes a 30 seconds Amiga 1000 TV-commercial not previously available on the internet.

The new update includes:
  1. New Amiga1000 TV-commercial. Very rare!
  2. Three Brochures Not Aimed At Customers - Dealers Only!
  3. Two German Amiga Brochures!
  4. One German Vic20 Advert!
  5. Five Italian Commodore Adverts!
  6. Eight Danish Commodore Brochures!
  7. Eight Danish Amiga Brochures!
  8. One Italian PC Advert! New Italian Section!
  9. Five Danish PC Brochures!
  10. Tons Of New Stuff In The Miscellaneous Section!

[News message: 23. Sep. 2001, 18:27] [Comments: 0]
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