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22.Sep.2001 (ANF) - server move and new AmigaJoker reviews is now placed on a much bigger server (resp. in a bigger package at the provider), this should solve the problems with shortage of webspace and restricted data transfer for a longer period of time. Therefore can all review articles, that will be released from now on, be made available in better quality (less compression).

There are also at once 22 new AmigaJoker reviews taken from the issues 9-12/1991: Abandoned Places, Apidya, Battle Isle, Blues Brothers, Bundesliga Manager Professional, Cruise for a Corpse, Die Kathedrale, Eye of the Beholder, Gunboat, Hunter, James Pond 2, Kings Quest 5, Knights of the Sky, Life and Death, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, Magic Pockets, Manchester United Europe, Mega lo Mania, R-Type 2, Silent Service 2, The Return of Medusa, Thunderhawk, Utopia. With these there are now already 79 AmigaJoker reviews of Amiga classics.

Besides that you can now find in the AmigaJoker database for every game a direct link to the details of the game at the games museum "The Legacy".

For all fans of non Amiga classics there are new PowerPlay reviews taken from the issues 11/94 and 1/95: Colonization (MS-DOS), CreatureShock (MS-DOS CD-ROM), DawnPatrol (MS-DOS CD-ROM), Earthsiege (MS-DOS), Ecstatica (MS-DOS), HellonEarth (MS-DOS), IronAssault (MS-DOS CD-ROM), KingsQuest7 (Windows CD-ROM), Lemmings3 (MS-DOS), Lollypop (MS-DOS), MasterofMagic (MS-DOS), PoliceQuest4 (MS-DOS CD-ROM), SystemShock (MS-DOS), U.S.NavyFighter (MS-DOS CD-ROM), UnderaKillingMoon (MS-DOS CD-ROM), Warcraft (MS-DOS CD-ROM).

The complete number of Powerplay reviews is now grown to tidy 349. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Sep. 2001, 12:50] [Comments: 0]
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