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AmiBench will be four years old soon
Press release:
Did you know that AmiBench will be 4 soon?

Alot's happened over the last 4 years.....

I still remember the day that AmiBench went live, September the 26'th 1997. I remember very vividly on christmas day of the same year, clicking on the refresh button in Ibrowse and seeing new adverts everytime I hit it.

I couldnt even begin to re-count how many emails I've had from well wisher's over the year's and how many friends I've made for life through AmiBench being what it is.

I guess there's alot to be said for the Amiga Community. I am sure that some of you know that I've not used a real Amiga in about a year (I just kept blowing them up..), Even through I dont have an Amiga, I'm still here... AmiBench still goes on, and I live in somekind of vain hope that maybe this year We'll be able to release version 2 of AmiBench...

I've long since given up guessing on when (if?) AmiBench 2 will go live, I don't know. All I do know is that We try our best, but not having the resources that we need to dedicate ourselves to making it happen in 3 weeks means it takes ages to finish. All I can say is sorry guys!, it'll happen one day...

Ugh, this little post sounds really depressing... Sorry :(

Anyway, We usually celebrate AmiBench's birthday by holding somekind of Quiz. This year I've sadly not had time to approach anyone and arrange anything. Is anyone interested in giving away some gifts for us to use as birthday prizes?

If so please do drop me a mail as soon as possible!

Mark 'tecno' Wilson : Team Member of AmiBench
ICQ Number: 39814816

[News message: 06. Sep. 2001, 13:48] [Comments: 0]
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