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Nordic Global

Holger Kruse is back :)
I am afraid during the last year I have had virtually no time for Amiga-related things, have not been able to respond to communication on a regular basis, and my Amigas along with parts of my user and registration list have been powered down for quite a while. This is unlikely to change any time soon, although I expect to have some time during the next two months to at least partially catch up with email and help with registration-related issues. Whether I will have time for further development and participation in mailing lists etc. I don't know yet. Recently users have tried to contact me in very aggressive ways, e.g. through my employer. Please do NOT do that ! I cannot and will not respond to any Miami-related query sent to my employer. At best any emails sent there will be forwarded to my regular email address. Same for phone calls: my private line is NOT a support line, I only pick up calls from known callers (caller id), and support-related phone calls will not be returned. I have neither the time nor the inclination to come home from work only to deal with even more "computer stuff". I am sure you understand. For urgent, registration-related issues, bugs etc. please send email to "". This is a new mailbox, so far spam-free, allowing me to respond a little more quickly than recently. It may still take a week or two though, depending on how much time I have. Please check this web page for new information. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 02:55] [Comments: 0]
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