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Midi: camd.library V40, CamdBnp-Tools
The camd library v40 as well as the CamdBnp tools for BarsnPipes were released on the NSM page.

'camd' is a shared library for midi, which is part of the AmigaOS. Due to several problems with the original one and because there was no camd.library for AROS, this library was completely new programmed. This one should work like the original one and was successfully tested with 'BarsnPipes' 'Radium', and the 'CAMD' toolkit.

An additional driver 'mmp' and a special camd midi driver for WinUAE are available for download for this library.

The '' archive contains 64 tools for BarsnPipes, which should simplify the communication with other programs. The 'camd library' is used for this communication.

'camd40.lha' and 'mmp.lha' contains both binary and source code (APL, AROS Public License). The includes are part of the AROS source code and also available via e-mail.

(sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2001, 11:58] [Comments: 0]
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