Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)
Amiga Arena: full version and comment
Amiga Arena Full Version
In co-operation with Denis Unger the Amiga Arena makes the release of "Foreign
Language Master V2.3" possible! FLM is a program for foreign languages that can
be used as a dictionary for text translation and to learning of vocabularies.
FLM contains some English-German dictionaries (all in all about 8 MB with about
175,000 entries). Denis Unger continues developing "FLM". For a new version of
"FLM" Denis Unger would be pleased to receive concrete suggestions for improving
the software and to receive feedback!
Further information and data bases for use with "FLM" can be found here, contact: flmdic@gmx.de.
Amiga Arena - comment
I use "FLM" almost daily myself and don't want to miss it anymore!
My call to you - with a short mail to Denis U. everybody would contribute to
further supporting and improving this tool.
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 21. Jul. 2001, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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