Horst Diebel (ANF)
Amiga Society says thank you!
97% of the poll participiants want the Amiga-Society to stay alive! For this we
want to thank you very much, as well as we thank all the people who offered us their help
and to whom we will surely come back in the next time.
The site is now available in a light version. The two central points
'Schlachtfeld' and the 'BBoAH' are still online. By the way, there's a poll running
whether a software page (in German) shall be created on the basis of the Big
Book of Amiga hardware. The full functionality will be reached again until
September, but till then it will have changed in content in quite some ways!
[News message: 21. Jul. 2001, 08:35] [Comments: 0]
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