Rüdiger Hanke (ANF)
Role-playing game: Exult 0.93alpha4
Rüdiger Hanke writes:
My Exult port for Amiga is available for download on my homepage. Exult is a role-playing
game engine which can interpret Ultima 7 datafiles. Ultima 7 still captivates after many
years with an epic storyline, a vast world and many details. You can find some screenshots
on my webpage.
The story: 200 years have passed in Britannia since your last visit as the Avatar.
Driven by the mockery of a demonic creature calling itself "The Guardian", you travel
once more to Britannia and arrive in Trinsic on a scene of gruesome murder. Maybe the
new organization "The Fellowship", which is gaining more and more influence
in the lands, is involved in it? Or maybe this is just the beginning of a larger plan that might endanger
all Britannia?
Required is an Amiga with FPU and graphics card as well as the original PC game by Origin. Please
note that the files on the disk version are usually packed and have to be installed on an
MS-DOS system to get the required files. Alternately, the uncompressed game is contained on
the "Ultima Collection" CD-ROM. As a small goodie for the Amiga I have included a preferences
program with which you can change all game options with a graphical interface on OS3.5 and above.
An interesting tidbit: While porting the game, I found a sourcecode to read IFF files. Indeed,
some of the Ultima 7 files are in IFF format. Even the chunk lengths are in Motorola and not
Intel byteorder ... (ps) (Translation: rh)
[News message: 20. Jul. 2001, 02:15] [Comments: 0]
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