Michael Asse (ANF)
Start of the AmigaFFE project
Michael Asse wrote:
Today I would like to announce the official start of the AmigaFFE project in which
I would like to tackle the port of the 'Frontier First Encounters'
game to the Amiga with help of other interested people.
As a first step I defined preliminary project aims to which you can, may and shall send me
suggestions and tips, etc., since this is my first project and I don't have the specialised knowledge to
do this perfectly.
Please, don't send me any "What should that gain...?" mails. I would not reply.
The provisional time limit to send suggestions for the project aims was set to 31. August 2001.
(ps) (Translation: mj)
[News message: 19. Jul. 2001, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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