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Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla (E-Mail)

As already reported there were hardware problems with the server hosting the AROS website. Some good and bad news about that: the good news is, that the hardware will be replaced, the bad news is, that the machine will be connected to a new network and thus the page temporary might not be available, again, due to DNS conversion.

Here the original message with more details:
As you might have noticed, we had a lot of hardware failures in the last months. Now there are good and bad news. The good one is that the hardware will be replaced. The bad one is that the machine is moved to a different network and this means that we'll have DNS hell all over again ! The "real" name of the machine on which AROS is hosted is "". This name should work when doesn't. So when CVS doesn't like you anymore, check AROS/scripts/updatecvspath to fix the host name until I have fixed the DNS server (usually takes only several weeks...hrm :-). The mailing list runs on The only thing which will not be reachable for the time being is the web and the ftp site.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 19. Jul. 2001, 10:31] [Comments: 0]
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