Thorsten Schoelzel (E-Mail)
RealAudio/Media-Support page updated (Update)
A few days ago Sigbjørn Skjæret
released version 2 of his RealAudio/Media player "RAPlay". New is among other things
the support of the RealMedia format, which could not be played up to now.
More information e.g. about installation as well as download possibilities
are to find under the title link. Of course there also is a PPC version.
Update 19. July 2001:
Thorsten Schoelzel wrote:
As I just was told by Sigbjørn Skjæret,
RealMedia is not supported, yet. But there is a better RealAudio 1 & 2 support.
(ps) (Translation: mj)
[News message: 18. Jul. 2001, 22:08] [Comments: 0]
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