EETimes: Startup says software translates binary code on the fly
The article, published in EETimes, deals with the announcement of an american startup. A short extract:
»LONDON - A spin-off from the University of Manchester, Transitive
Technologies Ltd., is planning to wow engineers at the Embedded Processor
Forum this week in San Jose, Calif., with its dynamic binary-translation
The San Diego company claims its Dynamite software can take binary code
ready to run on one type of processor and, on the fly, translate it into
the binary code required by another. Transitive also says that because
of optimizing routines within its software, the translated code usually
runs faster and more efficiently than the original native code.
If these claims are substantiated, Transitive could spark dramatic changes
in the way processor hardware is designed and deployed by ending the
architecture-loyalty and legacy-code issues that have dominated for the
last 20 years.«
The whole article is available at the titlelink. (ps)
[News message: 18. Jun. 2001, 21:49] [Comments: 0]
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