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Matthias Münch (ANF)

Hardware: New Mediator PCI Boards
On the homepage of KDH are informations about the new PCI boards from Elbox available.

MEDIATOR PCI 4000 is the most advanced version of the Amiga-related PCI busboard. The card is dedicated for working in E/BOX 4000 tower systems (also known as Power Tower 4000). The card is installed in the special slot of the Elbox Zorro III/PCI 4000 busboard. MEDIATOR PCI 4000 combines the most advanced electronic solution with a special perfect mechanical design enabling use up to six Zorro III cards simultaneously with up to five PCI cards. Here are some MEDIATOR PCI 4000 features:
- supports 5 PCI slots (PCI 2.1 compatible)
- enables simultaneous operation of Zorro III/II cards
- works with all the turbo card models for A4000 computers
- ready for installation of the SharkPPC G3/G4 and SharkPPC+ G3/G4 turbo cards
- up to 1GB continuous PCI memory space

Mediator PCI ZIII
MEDIATOR PCI ZIII is a PCI busboard in the Zorro III card form. MEDIATOR PCI ZIII is dedicated for all the models of Amiga computers fitted with Zorro III slots: A4000T, A4000D, A3000 and A1200 equipped with the ZorroIII busboard. Here are some MEDIATOR PCI ZIII features:
- supports 4 PCI slots (PCI 2.1 compatible)
- enables simultaneous operation of Zorro III/II cards
- works with all the turbo card models for A4000 computers
- ready for installation of the SharkPPC G3/G4 and SharkPPC+ G3/G4 turbo cards
- up to 512 MB continuous PCI memory space

Mediator PCI ZIV
M EDIATOR PCI ZIV is dedicated for Amiga 1200 computers fitted with the Zorro IV busboard. It is connected to one of two of the ZIV connectors in the Zorro IV busboard. Here are some MEDIATOR PCI ZIV features:
- supports 4 PCI slots (PCI 2.1 compatible) - enables simultaneous operation of devices connected to the Clock Ports in the ZIV busboard
- works with all the turbo card models for A1200 computers
- ready for installation of the SharkPPC G3/G4 and SharkPPC+ G3/G4 turbo cards

All PCI boards are available from June 2001 (ps)

[News message: 22. May. 2001, 15:10] [Comments: 0]
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