Audio: ProStationAudio Update - 24bit Import
Beyond 16bit audio.
The current trend in the audio industry is to propose
alternatives to 16bit audio storage. Efforts are
targeting opposite directions: uncompressed high
resolution (24bit/96KHz) and high compression ratios
In order to keep up to date in handling data generated
by latest Mac and Windows audio applications the new
ProStationAudio 4.10 now can import and convert to
16bit for multitrack editing from:
- 24bit/96KHz (packed data, mono and stereo) AIFF (Macintosh)
- 24bit/96KHz (packed data, mono and stereo) WAV (Windows)
- Raw MP3 files
- WAV MP3 files (0x55 format)
- WAV MP3 files (0x50 format)
- Shoutcast live streaming MP3
Enhancements over 4.05 include a mouse-over capability
that allows to inspect objects' attributes by moving the
mouse pointer over the timeline, and fixes. The product
is ready now, there's no new public demo for 4.10.
ProStationAudio 4.10 will also be available to current
customers in a few days, free update as always.
ProStationAudio runs on AmigaOS (classic only) systems
(Amigas and Dracos). An additional version for Windows
is in the works.
[News message: 22. May. 2001, 14:38] [Comments: 0]
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