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Tao: intent® V1.1
On 14 May 2001 Tao Group released version 1.1 of its multimedia platform intent®. The system contains new multimedia extensions and an upgraded JavaTM VM.

intent® specifically targets at the home and mobile connected device market - e.g. mobile phones and digital TV-sets which can be extended with multimedia features using intent®, as for example for media players there is a streaming technology available, now.

The JavaTM virtual machine now supports PersonalJava 1.2 specifications, as specified at the heart of the DVB's Multimedia Home Platform definition for Digital TVs.

This version of intent® is also the first from Tao to include technology from one of its engine partners Sseyo® with its 'Koan' interactive audio software.

The intent® 1.1 SDK is available from Tao Group for both Windows and Linux. intent® is supported on a wide range fo embedded processors, including ARM 6/7/9, Thumb, StrongARM Power PCTM, MIPS R3/4/5xxx, SH3/4, and ST40. (sd)

[News message: 17. May. 2001, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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